Coalition Letter: No More Lines
Alaska Policy Forum has joined a coalition of 30 groups committed to ending discriminatory public school district boundary lines. Read the letter here or below.
We believe in:
- Opening public school access for all students.
- Ending address discrimination.
- Ensuring that public education is free, and families are never charged tuition.
- Unbundling education and the housing market.
Nearly all Americans agree a student should not be prevented from accessing the best public schools just because of their race or how much money their family makes. A September 2023 poll found that most Americans (67%), including Democrats, Independents, and Republicans, support ending residential school assignments.
That same poll showed that, by more than a 10-to-1 margin (84% to 8%), Americans support giving every child in the United States the ability to attend the public school in their state that best meets their needs, regardless of where they live.
Americans agree – a ZIP code should never dictate a child’s educational opportunity.
No More Lines policies break the connection between housing costs, school quality, and school access. They level the playing field among students of all socioeconomic levels by providing all students with access to their ideal educational experience. It is time to provide every kid equal access to the public school that works best for him or her. It is time to end discriminatory attendance zones. It is time for No More Lines.
The No More Lines Coalition

Disclaimer: The No More Lines Coalition is made up of organizations across tax statuses and does not endorse specific federal or state legislation.