Q: Does Alaska Policy Forum accept government funding or government grants?
A: No.
Q: How is Alaska Policy Forum funded?
A: By donations from individuals, small business and corporations who support our vision of an Alaska that continuously grows prosperity by maximizing individual opportunities and freedom.
Q: Is Alaska Policy Forum Democrat or Republican?
A: Alaska Policy Forum is nonpartisan, and seeks to work with all policymakers on policies which will grow freedom and prosperity for Alaskans, no matter what political memberships they hold.
Q: What does Alaska Policy Forum do?
A: Every law that is passed assumes a set of ideas. We call these ideas policy. Alaska Policy Forum educates Alaskans and policymakers about policies that create opportunity and grow freedom.
Q: Does Alaska Policy Forum lobby the legislature?
A: Our lobbying activities are very limited, and always work to preserve and expand economic freedom and individual liberty. APF never benefits financially from our lobbying efforts. Our primary focus is to inform policymakers on many issues.
More questions? Email us at info@alaskapolicyforum.org