On May 13, APF joined dozens of organizations in sending a letter to the leadership of the House of Representatives and Senate, expressing the belief that there must be dedicated funding and taxRead More
Letter of Support for the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule
On April 6, 2020, APF joined dozens of other organizations in sending a letter to the President in support of the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule. This joint Department of Transportation (DOT)Read More
Energy Freedom Resolution
The following resolution from the American Energy Alliance is a statement on the relationship between energy, freedom, and human wellbeing. Over two dozen organizations across the country, including APF, agree that a freeRead More
Anchorage Assembly to Consider Bag Fee Repeal
Update: The ordinance amending Anchorage Municipal Code Sections 14.60.030 and 15.95.020 – to enact a sunset date for the requirement to charge a fee for providing an alternative bag – failed, with threeRead More
Alaska’s Other Post-Employment Benefit Liabilities, Ranked
A recent report by the American Legislative Exchange Council revealed the significant financial toll of Other Post-Employment Benefit (OPEB) Liabilities, which include health insurance, life insurance, Medicare Supplemental Insurance, and more for retiredRead More
Video: Fossil Fuels Are Essential to Modern Life
Fossil fuels are essential to modern life. How essential? Check out the video! The resources we have here in Alaska not only provide jobs to our residents, but they make our modern worldRead More