Looking to save money by opting out of your government union? Not sure what that entails? The resources below can answer your questions, facilitate the process, and even provide legal aid.
Opt Out Today
“Public employees are finally free to make their own decisions about union membership”
Opt Out Today is a website offering state-specific information on government worker unions. For Alaska, Opt Out Today provides resources specific to four different union chapters: NEA-Alaska, ASEA/AFSCME Local 52, APEA/AFT, and ACOA. Additionally, the website presents local union alternatives for government employees who want to opt-out of their multi-level, national unions but still want a collective voice at work.
My Pay. My Say.
“It’s your paycheck. Union membership is your choice.”
My Pay. My Say. is an easy-to-navigate website that has answers to commonly asked questions on the Janus decision—including a short video—and provides an online opt-out form. Additionally, My Pay. My Say. offers a printable version of the form which can be shared with friends and family who may also be interested in opting out of paying money to a union.
Stand with Workers
“Trouble Leaving Your Union? Liberty Justice Center Can Help.”
Along with the National Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation, the Liberty Justice Center took Mark Janus’s case all the way to the Supreme Court and won. Since then, the Liberty Justice Center launched Stand with Workers, a detailed resource for government employees in every state. The Center is available to answer questions and provide legal aid for government workers whose rights continue to be violated after Janus.
“Welcome to the Official Janus Rights Page”
After the Court’s decision, government workers’ ability to choose whether or not to pay money to a union became commonly known as “Janus rights.” The National Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation created MyJanusRights.org to provide information, news stories, and a printable opt-out form for government employees. The Foundation also provides charitable legal aid to protect the First Amendment rights of government workers.
State Policy Network
“How to Leave Your Union: Help for Government Workers”
The State Policy Network (SPN) compiled a list of state-level resources from local organizations that can answer questions and assist in the opt-out process. SPN has also shared personal stories from government workers around the country—including Mark Janus— in the form of short videos and articles.