Thanks to a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in 2018, known colloquially as “the Janus decision,” all government employees, including State of Alaska employees have the right to choose whether to join a union. No State of Alaska jobs require union membership.
In Alaska, state employees who are already dues-paying union members can opt out and stop having dues deducted from their paychecks for any reason. Unfortunately, many workers are not aware of how much is being withheld from their paychecks for dues, nor do they know how to go about opting out.
Below are opt-out dates and annual dues amounts (information current as of Winter 2022) for each government union association that has a collective bargaining agreement with the State of Alaska, as well as helpful links to submit opt-out letters where applicable, and links to the individual collective bargaining agreements. For most of these unions, the annual dues amount deducted depends on the pay scale of the particular employee — many of the dues amounts listed below are ranges, and dependent on monthly wages.
If you see any information on this webpage that you believe to be incorrect or that needs updating, please call us at 907-334-5853.
- How Can I Stop Having the Union Take My Pay?
- Read: Government Workers: 6 Things You Should Know About Your Rights
- Watch: Six Things Government Workers Need to Know
- Watch: Landmark Ruling for Workers’ Freedom
State of Alaska employee union opt-out information
“Opt out” means to resign membership AND stop due payments (some unions let you resign at any time, but still take dues unless you write a letter to the union during a specific time period).
ACOA – Alaska Correctional Officers Association
Annual Dues: $960
Opt-Out Dates: Officers may opt out at any time
APEA – Alaska Public Employees Association
Annual Dues: $150.96 – 698.40
Opt-Out Dates: May 16 – May 31
Can opt out via:
ASEA – Alaska State Employees Association (ASEA Local 52)
Annual Dues: $397.80 – $5,065.06
Opt-Out Dates: June 10 – 20
Can opt out via:
AVTECTA – Alaska Vocational Technical Center Teachers’ Association
Average Annual Dues: $968.9
Opt-Out Dates: Can opt out at any time.
Can opt out of NEA-AK via:
Opt-out info for each district/local union can be found via:
CEA – Confidential Employees Association (APEA-AFT Local 6133)
Annual Dues: $431.08 – $3,040.18
Opt-Out Dates: May 16 – 31
Can opt out via:
IBU – Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific (AMHS)
Annual Dues: $1063.20
Opt-Out Dates: contact us
MM&P – International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots (AMHS)
Annual Dues: $82.27 – $126.55
Opt-Out Dates: contact us
MEBA – Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (AMHS)
Annual Dues: $600 annually and an initiation fee of $4000 paid in monthly $160 installments
Opt-Out Dates: contact us
LTC: Labor, Trades, and Crafts Unit (APEA Local 71)
Annual Dues: $492 as full member, $360 to be on a work list, and $96 for retirees
Opt-Out Dates: Can opt out at any time.
Can opt out via:
PSEA: Public Safety Employees Association
Annual Dues: $1,440 – $1,800
Opt-Out Dates: Can opt out at any time.
Peace officers can opt out via:
*TEAME: Teachers Education Association – Mt. Edgecumbe
Annual Dues: $647.44 – $1,023.56
Opt-Out Dates: Aug. 31 – Sep. 29 for payroll deductions, opting out DOES NOT relieve the teacher from agency fee payments.
Can opt out of NEA-AK via:
Opt-out info for each district/local union can be found via:
*This is based on the most up-to-date CBA provided by DOA, which expired June 30, 2022
Current language in TEAME CBA: “For the life of the Agreement, all teachers covered by this agreement shall, as a condition of continued employment, either be or become a member of NEA-AK/NEA and pay NEAAK/NEA dues, or pay a monthly agency fee to the NEA-AK/NEA equal to the dues assessment made of all members of TEAME. The fee shall be subject to all legal requirements of the bargaining agent.”
“Payroll deduction authorizations for dues or agency fees may be canceled by the teacher upon
thirty (30) days written notice to the Employer, who shall notify NEA-AK/NEA prior to the
cessation of the deduction. Such cancellations may be processed only during an annual thirty (30) day period immediately preceding September 30. The cancellation of payroll deduction does not relieve that teacher from the requirement of agency fee payment.”