Tips for understanding and using the Alaska Freedom Index Report Card

Summary Tab

The Possible Score column is the maximum number of points that each legislator could receive in a given year if s/he voted the “right” way on every bill (Yea on bills which increase freedom and Nay on bills which restrict freedom). In 2018, that number is 210 for most legislators–a few legislators were appointed later in the session and thus did not have the opportunity to vote on all bills.

The Total Score column multiplies our bill ratings by the legislator’s votes.

The Vote Index column is the percentage of the time the legislator voted the “right” way, weighted by our bill ratings. The formula is thus (Total Score + Possible Score) / (2*Possible Score).


Legislation Tab

List of all rated bills with bill names, action dates, the vote rating and justification.


Bill Score Tab

Each legislator by name, party, chamber and district with their scores on every bill that we rated. Click on each legislator’s name to get their contact information.


Vote Index Tab

This tab shows a bar chart of legislators’ freedom ratings.  Hover over a specific bar to see who it represents, the district and the rating.