By Dr. Benedic Ippolito Click here to open the PDF of the report in a new tab. Foreword Health care costs have been a very public topic of discussion in America forRead More
Janus v. AFSCME Anniversary: Restoring Government Workers’ First Amendment Rights
On June 27, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down an historic decision that guarantees and protects the First Amendment rights of government workers across the country. The Janus v. American Federation of State,Read More
Indiana Follows Alaska to Protect Government Workers’ Rights
Another state is now following Alaska’s lead and bringing in a little more freedom to government workers. The attorney general of Indiana issued an advisory opinion on June 17 which stated that theRead More
Alaska’s Financial Transparency, Ranked
Each year, Truth in Accounting releases the Financial Transparency Score Report, which focuses on transparency in the budgets of state governments. The transparency score evaluates the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) of eachRead More
Coronavirus, the Economy, and Taxes: An Alaska Opinion Survey
On June 11, 2020, I gave the following presentation on Alaska opinion survey results. Click here to open the PDF in a new tab. Here are the highlights: A hugely significant number ofRead More
Video: Energy Density Matters!
Have you ever wondered why we don’t just replace fossil fuels with renewable resources, such as wind and solar? Energy density matters! The resources found here in Alaska go a lot further thanRead More